Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chevelle - Point #1

I hate this band! I fucking despise them. And this album is why. Most people who have ever heard of Chevelle have never heard this album I bet. Because, well, this is when the band was GOOD and wasn’t "radio rock". This was actually released on the now defunct christian record label Squint Entertainment. This album pretty much sounds like a band of young kids who listen to too much Helmet. Their singer kinda reminds me of the singer of Tool from time to time. But not enough to dissuade you from listening. Recorded by Steve Albini, the album has the sound you’d expect from his expertise. And it works really well for the youths of Chevelle. If you listen to Chevelle and haven’t heard “Point #1” , go fucking kill yourself right now. You’re a waste. That also goes for anyone who listens to them whose favorite album is another of their releases. If you have never heard the band before, this is definitely where you should begin, and end. 

-matthew st.

Buy it from a independent record store if you like it

1 comment:

  1. I bought there last album blindly because I loved Point #1 so much and wasn't the same band.

    I'm all for evolving as a band, but this isn't it. It was like someone kidnapped the band, cut off their balls and sent them to live in the basement of Disney World for 3 years. Because all of the passion and interest is gone from their music. Shameful.
